
Since 2007 Maarif Institute awarded a figure that is considered to have leadership locally based.

This time Maarif Institute presented awards to those who continually raised the model of exemplary and creative leadership by a driver of change in the lower classes and the community.

the process of selecting a figure deserving Maarif Award conducted over four months. Since January 2016. Those who received the Maarif Award judged on two criteria, namely the perspectives based on gender and peace.

“Maarif Institute this time to give awards to people who are considered exemplary in its environment and inspire social change, it deserves the two activists and one non-governmental organization (NGO), “said one of the Members of the jury, Endy Bayuni in lobby Grand Studio METRO TV, Pilar Mas Jalan Raya Kav. AD Kedoya Kebun Jeruk, Jakarta, Sunday (12/6).

Those who received the award Rudi Fofid namely, a journalist and activist who campaigned for peace focused on the violent conflict in Ambon.

” he (Rudi) to conduct a campaign for peace by writing literature, and through playing music with teens Ambon and point them to campaigning for peace, “said Endy.

in addition, continued Endy, there Budiman Maliki, activists fight for the basic rights of citizens Poso services. He was involved in the handling of refugees the conflict in Poso.

“He was willing to finance the operations of the office of personal money to service the local community, while for family needs him to trade popsicles that are deposited in the shop,” said Endy.

Endy added, Budiman worthy of this award because it is consistent in its idealism, though his friends have been stout switched professions to become politicians, civil servants, and some even become contractors.

Recently, the Maarif Institute awarded a institutions MOSINTUWU Institute deemed capable of transforming power of women into motion a reform in the former conflict namely in Poso.

“It proved to institutions Monsintuwu, that women in Poso can bridge the conflict be peaceful and eliminate resentments and mutual appreciate, so they can build Poso back to together, “cap Endy.

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