We are pleased to invite you to join The 6th International Conference on Interreligious Studies, Sciences and Technology (ICONIST) collaboratively hosted by LP2M of Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Lakpesdam PBNU, MAARIF Institute, and El-Bukhari Institute.

This event will be held online in hybrid format on 6-7 November 2023. For this conference We raise the theme “Religion (Still) Matters: Navigating the Relevance of Religion Across the Issues of Environment, Renewable Technology, AI, and Social Inclusion” in order to answer one big question “how to make science and technology serve human wellbeing?”

We accept full paper that relevant to this conference 10 subtheme namely: Interfaith Dialogue: Peacebuilding, Conflict Resolution and Social Justice, Humanity in the Age of AI, Promoting Social Inclusion through Religious Values and Institutions, Religious Education for a Sustainable Future, Religious Perspectives on Sciences and Technological Advancements, etc (visit: our website for full list https://iconist.id/Topics)

4 Publication Schemes:
– Global Indexed Proceedings
– World-class and National Reputable Journals
– Edited Volume book published by international publisher
– Anthology published by UIN Jakarta Press (ISSN)

Submit your paper:
Guideline: https://iconist.id/Submission
Submission link: https://s.id/iconistsubmission

Full Manuscript Submission Deadline:
15 September 2023

For further details, please kindly visit https://iconist.id

For more information, please contact
wa.me/+6298998504 (Mr. Endi)
wa.me/+6281280694101 (Mr. Firman)
📧[email protected]
We are excited to hear your thoughts at the conference.

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