
Jakarta – Maarif Institute conducted a study to assess the Islamic State Index (IKI ). This research was conducted in 29 cities in Indonesia and produced IKI different in each city.

“We do the research by taking a sample of 29 cities in Indonesia, this research takes a long time, one year,” said Director of Research Maarif Institute Ahmad Imam Mujadid Rais in his presentation at the Hotel Alia Cikini, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (17 / 5/2016).

All 29 cities sampled secure variables assessed through a city, things to note are the freedom of religion and belief, legal protection, kepemimpiman and fulfillment of women’s political rights, the rights of children and the handicapped.

Furthermore prosperous variables into account the level of education, employment, income, health. And variable happy assessed through sharing and solidarity and harmony with nature.

From the study, produces a value index varied Islamic State. The following values ​​IKI all 29 cities of the highest rank. Here’s the list:

1. Yogyakarta – 80.64
2. Bandung – 80.64
3. Denpasar – 80.64
4. Bengkulu – 78.40
5. Pontianak – 78.14
6. Attack – 77.82
7. Metro – 77.50
8. Semarang – 75.58
9. Palembang – 74.36
10. Malang – 73.72
11. Ambon – 73.53
12. Surakarta – 72.66
13. Salatiga – 71.22
14. Mataram – 70.71
15. Manado – 70.10
16. Batam – 69.94
17. Surabaya – 69.74
18. Tasikmalaya – 69.65
19. Banda Aceh – 69.62
20. Jayapura – 68.53
21. Banjarmasin – 66.79
22. Palu – 66.15
23. Pangkalpinang – 65.71
24. Jambi – 63.91
25. Tangerang – 61.99
26. Padang – 61.67
27. Kupang – 59. 39
28. Padang – 58.37
29. Makassar 51.28

This study, said Rais, departing from the understanding of Islam as a religion of grace. He said grace religion in question is Islam as a faith should bring about a change in the form of kindness for others.

“Based on that we are in an internal meeting and invited expert, doing studies. We define that the Islamic city is a city that is safe, prosperous, and happy,” said Rais.

The study, conducted from January 8 to March 31 2016 put on objective and subjective methods. To secure a variable rate the cities, points to consider including freedom of religion and belief, legal protection, kepemimpiman and fulfillment of women’s political rights, the rights of children and the handicapped. While prosperous variables into account the level of education, employment, income, health. There was also based on the happiness that is assessed through sharing and solidarity and harmony with nature.

“Therefore the city level to the Islamization of the most high-No Yogyakarta, Bandung and Denpasar with value IKI 80.64, ranking next Bengkulu, Pontianak and Serang value IKI 78.14, and lowest for Kupang, Padang and Makassar with IKI 51.28, “explained Rais.

“But this does not mean the city low-to-Islamannya, it’s progressive development. This research is consistent with the data in 2014,” he concluded.


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